Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Coz so far these are one of the very few words I still believe in!

A long long time ago, somewhere between
460 BC – ca. 370 BC, a man called Hippocrates , or who was believed to be him , coined the oath of the medical worker and healer, today known as the Hippocratic oath.

And here it goes:
˝I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:

To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art; and that by my teaching, I will impart a knowledge of this art to my own sons, and to my teacher's sons, and to disciples bound by an indenture and oath according to the medical laws, and no others.
I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.
I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.
In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.
All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.
If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot.˝
When I was a child, whenever mom took me to see a doctor, I spent my time reading this oath that was in the office of every doctor, as it is today as well. The words of the oath found the way to the very core of my heart and being, and they inspired me to be a good person toward other human beings, and to the whole of the world. And I thought that those words were not only words, but the very belief of every single health worker around the world, therefore I had a huge respect toward medical workers and loved them very much! Until the moment I grew up and became a reasonable being very well aware of the things around us and the harsh reality of life! The reality that showed me that medical workers consider those words just empty words on a parchment and nothing else! And it tore my heart!

Nowadays, I m just one more witness of the cruelty, gluttony, greediness and evil of the most of the medical workers in Serbia. They do not give a damn about their patients, about their health, all they see is the prospect of earning well if you are involved in medicine, and the prospect of good life which comes along. But the price is paid by thousands sick patients in Serbia whose health is at stake and no one cares!

I, alone, am waiting for the knee surgery for two years now, and all I get is the promise that I will undergo that surgery one day, that my doctor is giving me, and nothing else.  I knew that he didn´t have any intention to help me and do his job, but I lied to myself for two years and took the bait of those promises and believed him and hoped. I cannot walk without crouches, I cannot work because I am not able to walk on my own and no one wants to employ me. I I have no earnings and at 26 of age I have to beg my father for money, month through month and try to make my ends meet with that small sum of his charity because I cannot work and that is all the fault of the medical workers in whom I believed so much when I was a kid.

Not to mention that the medical workers were very cause of death of my grandmom and even my mother few years ago, and if you want me, I can tell you the story.

But my goal is to spread out the word about the state of medicine in Serbia, to make people see and witness what we, the patients suffer from day to day without having anyone to help us, anybody to support us and take our side.

And we clearly do not even have the idea where to go and ask for help outside of Serbia, because in Serbia no one cares, no one will help, as they, in medical circles, all support each other while we wait, suffer, our health issues get worse, and patients even die.

Yes, I maybe made it sound like a horror movie, but believe me it is a close call! 

                 And I do not know what to do! And we do not know what to do!

If Hippocrates was alive, he d surely be ashamed of being the part of the medical profession in Serbia, that much I am sure of!

The Oath of the Warrior

From today on, I thank to every human being, every event and occurrence in my life, and every thing in my life that made me a warrior I am!
I ve been keeping that side of my self deep within for so long! I ve been afraid of hurting others by simply fighting for my survival, but no more!

From today on,  I swear, just like Hippocrates swore once upon a time that he will cure and protect others (and I mention this because that is the only oat I see as the honest one and coming from the heart), that I will protect myself from now on, that I will fight for my self and others, and that I will follow my path of the WARRIOR, because that is what this life wants me to do! Because this is why I am here on the planet called Earth and in this Universe!

Let these words remind me of my oath and my determination whenever I find myself weak, afraid and in a doubt or confused!

So mote it be!

                                                *                      *                    *

Na današnji dan, utorak, 25. januar 2012. , zahvaljujem svakom ljudskom biću, svemu što mi se do sada desilo u životu i svakoj stvari  u mom životu, a koji su me izgradili u ratnika koji danas jesam!
Tu borbenu stranu sebe sam predugo i držala skrivenom duboko u sebi! Strahovala sam od toga da povredim druge prosto se boreći da preživim , ali od danas više neće biti tako!

Od danas se zaklinjem, baš kao i što se Hipokrat zakleo jednom davno (a njegove reči i zakletvu spominjem jer jedino njih smatram iskrenim i izrečenim od srca), da ću štititi sebe, da ću se boriti za sebe i druge , i da ću pratiti svoju stazu ratnika jer to je ono što život zahteva od mene, to je razlog mog postojanja na ovoj planeti zvanoj Zemlja i u univerzumu.

Neka me ove reči napisane ovde uvek podsete i ohrabre u trenucima slabosti, ranjivosti, straha, sumnjičavosti i nepoverenja! Neka me podsete na zakletvu danas sebi datu i na moju odlučnost!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Regarding the previous post on Sweden: joint letter of TGEU and ILGA-Europe to the Swedish prime minister Fredrik Reindfeldt

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt

c/o Roberta Alenius
Prime Minister's Office
Rosenbad 4
SE-103 33 Stockholm

Vienna and Brussels, 16 January 2012

Dear Prime Minister Reinfeldt,

Transgender Europe and ILGA-Europe (European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) are writing to express their deep concern about reports that your government had decided not to change the Swedish gender recognition legislation to remove the requirement of sterilisation.

Our organisations were recently informed that representatives of parties in your government have communicated their intention not to remove the sterilisation requirement. As a consequence, this would require those wishing to change their gender marker to continue to undergo sterilisation in order to get legal recognition of a change in gender. It is high time to finally breach with this on-going violation of the right to physical integrity, right to be free from torture as well as sexual and reproductive rights of trans persons.

Forty years ago Swedish parliament was a pioneer to have a gender recognition law. The Swedish Law Lagen om fastställelse av könstillhorighet i vissa fall (SFS 1972; 119) has set the principle for many countries in the Western world. However, its incorporated requirements for sterilisation are now out of step with current international best practice and understandings of obligations under international human rights law. As you are aware, RFSL and other human rights organisations have drawn attention of the Swedish authorities to this on-going abuse for a long time and demanded a change in the law. We were also informed that, in 2010, the National Board of Health and Welfare recommended in its review of the law to have the medical treatment requirements removed and the overall procedure simplified.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg expressed his concern in July 2009 saying that “It is of great concern that transgender people appear to be the only group in Europe subject to legally prescribed, state-enforced sterilisation.” The Commissioner also called upon member states to “abolish sterilisation and other compulsory medical treatment which may seriously impair the autonomy, health or well-being of the individual, as necessary requirements for the legal recognition of a transgender person’s preferred gender.”  Sweden also endorsed the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in recommending that member states should take appropriate measures “to guarantee the full recognition of a person’s gender reassignment in all areas of life, in particular by making possible the change of name and gender in official documents in a quick, transparent and accessible way” (Recommendation, March 2010). A similar statement was made by the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly which called on member states to ensure that official documents reflect the individual’s preferred gender identity, without any prior obligation to undergo sterilisation or other medical procedures such as sex reassignment surgery and hormonal therapy (Resolution 1728 (2010)).

Law makers in the UK (Gender Recognition Act 2004), Spain, Portugal and recently the lower house of Argentina have endorsed laws respecting the self-determination of a trans person and doing away with medical treatment requirements. The Netherlands have just recently finished a public consultation on a proposal to review the existing gender recognition law and propose the removal of any medical treatment requirements.

Sweden has been for many in the world a safeguard for human rights and we thus regret that it is lagging behind with respect to international and European developments related to the rights of trans people. On one hand, Sweden can be praised for being one of the few countries in Europe that explicitly protects trans persons under its Anti-Discrimination law. However, we find it highly disturbing that the state continues to undermine the enjoyment of human rights by trans people by asking them to decide between having ID documents reflecting their gender identity more closely and thus a certain protection against discrimination on one hand and their physical integrity, right to free choice of medical treatment, the right to form a family on the other hand.

We thus urge you to take all necessary measures to ensure that Sweden abides by its obligations under international and European human rights instruments, and ask you to lead Sweden into being a forerunner in the field of human rights again.

Prime Minister Reinfeldt, our organisations call upon you to:
-          Propose a legislative reform that would lead to the abolition of the forced sterilisation requirement and medical treatments for legal purposes, in accordance with international and European recommendations as well as the recommendation of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare
-          Consult with representatives of the trans communities in Sweden in all matters that concern them

We look forward to hear back from you.

With kind regards,

Wiktor Dynarski                                              Dr. Julia Ehrt                                                     Evelyne Paradis
Co-Chair                                                             Executive Director                                         Executive Director
Transgender Europe                                     Transgender Europe                                     ILGA-Europe

Friday, January 13, 2012

I just cannot believe and refuse to believe this INSANITY !!! -> Sweden keeps sex-change sterilization law

Sweden keeps sex-change sterilization law
Published: 12 Jan 12 14:37 CET

A move to scrap Swedish laws requiring compulsory sterilization for people undergoing gender reassignment surgery has been put on ice following opposition from the Christian Democrats.
The Christian Democrats have convinced the other centre-right parties to set aside a new legislative proposal that would have scrapped the law, arguing that the issued is legally complex and needs to be examined further.

Opposition parties decried the move, claiming that a majority of members in the Riksdag support efforts to ditch the demand.

“It's too bad that the government and prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt haven't taken into account that there is wide support in the Riksdag to scrap the [sterilization] requirement,” Social Democrat MP Lena Hallengren, deputy chair of the Riksdag social committee, told the TT news agency.

According to legislation passed in 1972, to undergo a sex change operation a person must be over 18-years-old, a Swedish citizen, be sterilized and unmarried.

In the proposal for new legislation, to be be presented by the government this spring, the conditions that sex change candidates are unmarried and Swedish citizens will be dropped, according to TT. But not the sterilization condition.

In the autumn of 2011, both the Moderate Party and the Liberal Party (Folkpartiet) expressed support for changing the law.

"We don't see it as modern, and it doesn't fit with our view of human beings," said party secretary Sofia Arkelsten to the TT news agency in September.

But concerns from the Christian Democrats were great enough to sway the other parties of the governing centre-right Alliance to put off new legislation and instead commission an inquiry into the matter.

According to Hallengren, the move amounts to an attempt to dodge the issue.

“It means that the Christian Democrats have won and that the Moderates don't think it's important,” she said.

Green Party MP Agneta Luttrop called the law outdated, arguing it should have been changed long ago.

“It's a macabre law. It's not dignified that in 2012 someone should be forcibly sterilized,” she told TT, questioning what good will come from additional examination of the issue.

“Other countries don't have demands like this and it hasn't presented an legal complications,” she added.

Christian Democrat MP called the decision a victory for social affairs minister and party head Göran Hägglund and an indication of the positive dialogue that takes place between the governing parties.

“It's important that we stand by the precautionary principle and don't rush into legislation. This question needs to be looked at more closely,” he said.

Liberal MP Barbro Westerholm had previously indicated she planned to push the issue in the Riksdag, but has been forced to retreat.

“I can live with this. It's a positive step forward where that had previously been deadlock. Sometimes it takes time to reach the goal, but it's better than having things stop completely,” she told TT.

In a statement, the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (Riksförbundet för homosexuellas, bisexuellas och transpersoners rättigheter – RFSL), criticized the decision, claiming that “government stability” had been given priority over respect for human rights.

“It's extremely remarkable that a democracy like Sweden now believes that this must be examined further,” RFSL chair Ulrika Westerlund said in a statement.

She pointed out that the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) proposed changing the law back in 2010.

“To now want to investigate the matter yet again can't be seen as anything else than that those who have ordered the inquiry want to reach a different conclusion for political reasons,” said Westerlund.