Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Oath of the Warrior

From today on, I thank to every human being, every event and occurrence in my life, and every thing in my life that made me a warrior I am!
I ve been keeping that side of my self deep within for so long! I ve been afraid of hurting others by simply fighting for my survival, but no more!

From today on,  I swear, just like Hippocrates swore once upon a time that he will cure and protect others (and I mention this because that is the only oat I see as the honest one and coming from the heart), that I will protect myself from now on, that I will fight for my self and others, and that I will follow my path of the WARRIOR, because that is what this life wants me to do! Because this is why I am here on the planet called Earth and in this Universe!

Let these words remind me of my oath and my determination whenever I find myself weak, afraid and in a doubt or confused!

So mote it be!

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Na današnji dan, utorak, 25. januar 2012. , zahvaljujem svakom ljudskom biću, svemu što mi se do sada desilo u životu i svakoj stvari  u mom životu, a koji su me izgradili u ratnika koji danas jesam!
Tu borbenu stranu sebe sam predugo i držala skrivenom duboko u sebi! Strahovala sam od toga da povredim druge prosto se boreći da preživim , ali od danas više neće biti tako!

Od danas se zaklinjem, baš kao i što se Hipokrat zakleo jednom davno (a njegove reči i zakletvu spominjem jer jedino njih smatram iskrenim i izrečenim od srca), da ću štititi sebe, da ću se boriti za sebe i druge , i da ću pratiti svoju stazu ratnika jer to je ono što život zahteva od mene, to je razlog mog postojanja na ovoj planeti zvanoj Zemlja i u univerzumu.

Neka me ove reči napisane ovde uvek podsete i ohrabre u trenucima slabosti, ranjivosti, straha, sumnjičavosti i nepoverenja! Neka me podsete na zakletvu danas sebi datu i na moju odlučnost!

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